What I did at Recurse
I heard about The Recurse Center from a friend and applied with the hopes of exploring creative coding in a structured and social setting.
The Recurse Center is a self-directed, community-driven educational retreat for programmers based in New York City.
It turned out to be a fantastic decision. I learned a ton, made great friends and came out with the skills, knowledge and determination to pursue game development as a career.
I still hang out with the community on their servers :)
During my batch and a half which lasted 4.5 months I studied and worked on these things:
Game Dev
- Worked on the networking and shaders of ungroup (a multiplayer game with a custom engine). Pairing with friends helped a lot.
- Organized a game jam and made the first version of mimic with a friend.
- Worked a bit with a friend on their open-world unity game where you can freely talk to NPCs using a language system.
- Worked through many of the Catlike Coding tutorials to gain a better understanding of Unity.
- Started a Game Dev Interest Group at RC with a friend, which is still going many years later!
- Wrote a rasterizer from scratch with a friend using the Scratchapixel tutorial.
- Made an environment to implement solutions to 3D math problems in opengl for practice using learnopengl.com.
Read through some of The Book of Shaders.
- Attending a raymarching workshop and implemented marching in PICO-8.
- Read through almost all of 3D math primer for graphics and game development and worked on the problems.
Created a livecoding environment in atom using hydra and p5 that produces typographic visuals from midi input.
Messed around with TidalCycles and made a short procedural song.
Game Dev
* this post was created retroactively in june 2021